Our “Когда он дал like другой женщине“ (When he gives a like to another woman) t-shirt is just what you need to catch some attention. Just throw it over a pair of jeans and make a statement!
One-size cotton t-shirt
Vintage white color
Logo print on the front
Classical painting print with a slogan on the back
Oversized fit
Boat or crew neck
Locally and sustainably made
Our “Когда он дал like другой женщине“ (When he gives a like to another woman) t-shirt is just what you need to catch some attention. Just throw it over a pair of jeans and make a statement!
Style | Classic, With detail |
One-size | In cm |
Chest | 119 |
Waist | 199 |
Front body lenght | 74 |
Hip | 119 |